Friday, June 7, 2019

Two People Who Have Great Influence in My Life Essay Example for Free

Two People Who Have Great Influence in My Life EssayIntroduction I am what I am. Who I am today was the result of my past experiences in lifetime hence, experiences that are worth remembering for. I am a person of good value and sexual abstention because of these two great people who engender influenced and touched my life in a very significant ways. They are the iodin who really sacrifice a lot just to give me a better future.They molded me as a person of good morals and dignity as well as a person who bash and fear God. These two people that need touched my life are my beloved parents, my dad and mammy. I owe my life to them and I will not stop thanking God for giving me such wonderful and loving parents. The intents of this paper are (1) to figure out how my dad and mom influenced my life in different and similar ways and (2) know deeper what are their contributions in my life.Discussion My dad is an ideal father to me. When I will have my testify family, I would deal to be like him. He is a very responsible man. He is very loving and a generous father. He supplies our daily needs and not only that, he always find time to spend quality time with us in spite of his f of all timeous schedules from his work. Every time he got from his work, he frequently brought us presents they may be small or big but it has great impact in my life because it is not how expensive or cheap the present is but it is the thought that counts.I always hear my father saying I love you to my mother and to us as well. He really shows that we, his family, are very important to him. He treats us every time he receives his salary. I never experience that my father has shouted nor spanked me because of what I did. He disciples my siblings and I in a manner that we will not retaliate because of what he does to us. If I have done something wrong, he just calls me to go to his bedroom so that we can have a talk. My mom is the most wonderful mother in the substantial world. Trul y, she is the light in our home. She is a kind of mother that disciplines us firmly yet gentle. She is just like my father because when my siblings and I have done something wrong, she as well calls us to go to her bedroom, if ever my dad is not around to disciplines us, and have a short talk. She is a kind of mom who always consoles us if ever we have something that troubles us. She is a good cook too. She sees to it that we have a good and nutritious meal. She never complains in raising us but indeed she finds it a delight, seeing us feed with her love and care. My mom and dad have brought great impact in my life. My father taught me how to be like a man. He taught me how to play sports, working out and stuff like that. We always have a man to man talk and he told me that when I have my own family in the future, I should care my future family the way he takes care of us. And I am pretty sure that I can be like him because that is the kind of family where I am brought up.Well, if others cannot tardily get along with their mom because they are boys, I can sincerely say that I can easily approach and get along with my mom. She always tells me that I should love my neighbors as myself and never take advantage on the weaknesses of others. She also reminds me to be a one woman man in the future, just like my father did. Though they teach me in different ways but they have one crude denominator and that is to raise me as a person of good value and dignity.III. Conclusion To have a very loving father and mother is such a great blessing from God a blessing that cannot be exchanged with the wealth of this world. These two people are very precious to me and I am not what I am today without their unending love, support and fair discipline.

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