Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Health Care Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health C ar Reform - Essay ExampleThere is no denying the fact that in the United States of America, the issue of health keeping revitalizes has grown beyond a national issue to a political issue and it keeps becoming more and more disputed because of the political dimension it has taken. Despite the political perspective with which the issue of healthcare reform in the United States takes, it is still possible to discuss the policy from a purely objective viewpoint without any political sentiments and that is exactly what is going to be done in this essay. The present controversy has to do with whether the Obama proposed healthcare reform is feasible and necessary for the United States. Without any reservation, I would say that my position is in the affirmative. Major arguments with the Health Care Reform The health care device proposed by Mr. Obama during the 2008 campaign season and which has continued to be his ambitious legacy has several important components and issues that continue to spark controversy and arguments. Some of the major components are discussed with my side of the argument clearly stated. Attainability of Universal Health Care The first argument held by Mr. Obama is the attainment of universal joint health care. Health political action committee (2011) explains that universal health care is the belief that all citizens should have access to affordable, high-quality medical care. Politically, this argument is highly valid and that is where I belong. Logically, all citizens are a representation of the nation and government. They also constitute the political kingmakers. Any national policy that seeks to improve the wellbeing of the citizenry must therefore be universal and not discriminatory. Among some other technical reasons why universal health care is prudent and needs to be embarked is the fact that the cost of healthcare continues to be very expensive and that not all people are able to afford. Statistics has it that the number of uninsured U.S. residents has grown to over 45 million (Balanced Politics, 2011). This calls for the need of grasp very far with healthcare as there is evidence of discrimination with healthcare benefits. Having quoted the number of uninsured Americans, it becomes justifiable for opponents to argue that universal health care would be a huge economic burden unto the United States and can destroy the economic amidst global economic down-turn. However, it is important to consider the proverb that says that if you opine education is expensive, try ignorance. If anyone thinks universal health care is expensive, the fellow should think about the amount of revenue that the nation will loss as a result of non-productive human resource because of ill-health. Guaranteed eligibility for affordable health care for all Americans Another component of the Obama led health care policy is the guaranteed eligibility for affordable health care for all Americans. This component of the health care pla n seems to answer critics who argue that universal health care is unattainable. Critics believe that the population of America is similarly large to think of a single health care policy that will cater for the health needs of all citizens. These critics believe that such statutory interventions should come in only when the situation is highly critical. However, under the guaranteed el

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