Sunday, June 9, 2019

Grand Theft Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Grand Theft Childhood - Essay ExampleThis case, an exemplary example, is not only cause for concern, but is evidence that media does pick out our values and in doing so promotes activities outside acceptable social norms.The vast array of entertainment available through delineation plots has made them a lynchpin of childrens pastime. A full 79% of our children between 7 and 17 years of age play an average of 8 hours a week (Walsh). Many movie games are appropriate and often aid educational purposes and project positive images of society. They often sullener instruction, problem solving, and entertainment. However, when games step outside our sense of a well-ordered society, they bring with them a baggage of debate on their influence.The recent explosion of violent video games has brought controversy from the living room and into the halls of Congress. Games that feature gun play, unwarranted mutilation, and behavior associated with criminal activity have raised concern across t he board from parents to medical professionals. The intense concern about video and computer games is ground on the belief that the ultra violent games are inappropriate for all children and harmful to some.Exposure to Grand Theft political machine increases physiological arousal, militant thoughts, and aggressive emotions and actions (Walsh). According to Walsh, In a study of 8th and 9th graders, students who played to a greater extent violent video games were also more likely to see the world as a hostile place, to get into frequent arguments with teachers, and to be involved in physical fights. Critics are quick to point out that the problem is not the video game, but underlying hostility in the child. However, this does not seem to be validated by research. According to a 2004 research study, Gentile, Lynch, Linder, and Walsh concluded, It was hypothesized that exposure to video game violence would be positively related to aggressive behaviors, such as arguments with teachers and physical threats. This hypothesis was confirmed. Students who play more violent video games are more likely to have been involved in physical acts and get into arguments with teachers more frequently.It should come as no great shock that exposure to violence, even with the fellowship that it is just a game, can initiate and manifest aggressive behavior.I have seen my friends after a period of playing Grand Theft Auto and have noticed a change in behavior immediately following the game. Their speech is more coarse, actions more rude, and their driving becomes more reckless. Yet, they play it off as being just a game. They explain that it is no different than an eight year old watching the violence taking place in a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Their theory of the self realization that its only a game and cant translate to the real world may have some validity.A study of 5 to 9 year old childrens cartoon viewing habits indicated that children might be discerning between fantasy and re ality. The study noted that, ... Mothers were ball over by the aggressive and dark programmes their children were watching. However, even though some of the children found them disturbing they realised they were simply cartoons, that nobody got hurt and that the good characters always won (Childrens Cartoons Harmless). So as children can tell good from bad in a cartoon, can a

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