Friday, September 13, 2019

Gender and History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gender and History - Essay Example In other words, gender depends on the form of norms the society suggests. Lastly, sexuality is the modern discourse concerning sex which Foucault studied 2. There two known genders for animate matters, it is very much evident that human in nature is very patriarchal. Men dominate above women. It is already an issue on which to follow for the categories of gender. The conservative society will claim that there are only two accepted gender, the male or female. The society's notion of gender evolved and little by little entertained the other kind of gender which is the "third sex" (as what they call it) the homosexuals1. Just like in the Modern West, they believe that gender is more of nature. This means that there is only male and female based on the anatomical features 2. But when we say "anatomical", we are actually referring to the science of life called "Biology". This science belongs to the 20th century batch of sciences and believes that the existence of the third sex has reasons and causes. This science, therefore, has a different belief with that of the Modern West. In Modern West construction, they believe in bipolarity or the opposite of thing, example male with female, masculine and feminine, and girl and boy. When we talk about gender there will be a lot of involved issues in it. There were those about equal rights that will come up. There are also those issues about homosexuality and their rights. Before, homosexuality is already observed, long before the time of Troy and the Greek Philosophers. The issue of homosexuality before was about men drawn to have relationships with the same sex with the reason of academic relationship. They thought they would be more of a genius person when having a relationship with the same sex. But the issues about gender before were not as sound as now. It was all passing. Approaches toward homosexual behavior have reversed with time and place. In ancient Greece, homosexual relations were accepted and, in some cases, expected activity in certain segments of society. Later attitudes toward homosexuality in the Western world were determined largely by prevailing Judeo-Christian moral codes, which treat homosexuality as immoral or sinful. But like many other sins, homosexual relations were seen as expressions of the weakness inherent in all human beings, and not as a mental disorder or as the behavior of a specific type of person. This latter view, which regarded homosexuality as a pathology, developed in the late 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, psychoanalysts out-looked homosexuals as the victims of faulty development 7. There had been a lot of sociobiologists that tried to explain the existence of the third sex. The Modern West idea said that there are only two kinds of gender which is the male and female and that this is natural. Biologists tried to explain that the existence of the third sex has something to do with the hormonal imbalances of the person but sociobiologists will say that it is due to the third sex is due to the construction of new norms by the society.

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